Monday, August 3, 2009

Planning to Visit My School

When I log into my online school account, they tell me I need to see the bursar to set up my account or something... I don't even know what a bursar is. Also, because I have so many questions regarding my financial aid, I think it's time just to go down there in person and get business taken care of.

I love going to my school, don't get me wrong. Beautiful campus, hours of fun, has the best choices for lunch. And a Starbucks. Starbucks is love. I just haven't taken the train by myself yet. The last few times I went, I drug my cousin along with me because I thought she'd enjoy it and because the only times I've been to LA by myself I got lost. No, I don't know how to propose I'd do that on train, either. Especially since my school is a stop. And I've been there multiple times. While we joked that my cousin would end up "auditing" classes with me, and I'd be the only person to go to class with an assistant, I do have to actually get used to going by myself.

Plus, I'll actually get to eat Carl's Jr. if I go by myself. My stupid cousin doesn't stupid like Carl's Jr. Oh, and if my cousin is reading this, I love you. :)

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