Monday, June 14, 2010

Just wondering...

I know I haven't been around in awhile, my apologies. Actually, I would like some feedback. On this blog, I try to discuss things that help students at large, such as filing a FAFSA and applying for financial aid.

It has occurred to me that we are a society of "show, don't tell", and as such I had an idea. What if I took the topics in my blog that I have discussed that would be helpful to all and make a series of "How-To" vlogs? This would be beneficial to me because as a film major, I would be creating videos that I could put on my resume. I also hope it would be beneficial to other people.

And so I ask, if I were to do such a thing, would it be infinitely more interesting than just reading about it? Do you think it would be helpful to have a step-by-step demonstration on some of the topics I've discussed?

I only plan on doing "how to" videos. My actual experiences as a student are in no way interesting enough to be put on video, and as such, I can just blog those as I see fit. Please, if you can, leave a comment and let me know how you would feel about the "How-To" vlogs on topics that can be demonstrated. Thank you.

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